English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jung jing junke jong jang jinx juanke junji ?

杂物 junk / items of no value / various bits and bobs
破烂 làn worn-out; dilapidated; tattered; ragged / (coll.) rubbish; junk
pái raft / shield / stern of junk
楼船 lóu chuán ship with several decks / turreted junk
糟糠 zāo kāng chaff, husks, distillers' dregs etc (food eaten by the poor) / (fig.) rubbish / junk / (abbr. for 糟糠妻[zao1 kang1 qi1]) wife who goes through the hardships of poverty with her husband
cáo seagoing junk
容克 Róng Junker (German aristocracy) / Jean-Claude Juncker (1954-), Luxembourgish politician, prime minister of Luxembourg 1995-2013, president of the European Commission 2014-2019
垃圾邮件 yóu jiàn junk mail / spam / unsolicited mail
垃圾食品 shí pǐn junk food
垃圾股 junk bonds / high-yield bonds
废铜烂铁 fèi tóng làn tiě scrap metal / a pile of junk
电子环保亭 diàn huán bǎo tíng "electrical junk center", site for reprocessing of old electrical and electronic equipment

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