English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: juicy jie jue jice juices juece jici jihe ?

果汁 guǒ zhī fruit juice
zhī juice
橙汁 chéng zhī orange juice / CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[guan4],盒[he2]
zhà to press / to extract (juice) / device for extracting juice, oils etc
zhà variant of 榨[zha4] / to press / to extract (juice)
shěn (literary) juice
压榨 zhà to press / to squeeze / to extract juice, oil etc by squeezing
勾兑 gōu duì to blend various types of wine (or spirits, or fruit juices etc)
汁水 zhī shuǐ (dialect) juice
榨取 zhà to extract / to squeeze out (juice etc) / (fig.) to exploit
自作自受 zuò - shòu (idiom) to reap what one has sown; to stew in one's own juice
汁液 zhī juice
柠檬汁 níng méng zhī lemon juice
番茄汁 fān qié zhī tomato juice
原汁 yuán zhī juice (extracted from fresh fruit or vegetables) / stock (obtained by simmering meat)
果汁机 guǒ zhī blender (device) / juicer
榨汁机 zhà zhī juicer / blender
利乐包 bāo carton (e.g. for milk or juice) / Tetra Pak
果倍爽 Guǒ bèi shuǎng Capri-Sun, juice drink brand
柘浆 zhè jiāng sugarcane juice
柳橙汁 liǔ chéng zhī orange juice / CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[guan4],盒[he2] / see also 橙汁[cheng2 zhi1]
橘子汁 zi zhī orange juice / CL:瓶[ping2],杯[bei1],罐[guan4],盒[he2] / see also 橙汁[cheng2 zhi1]
to grow / to nourish / to increase / to cause / juice / taste / (dialect) to spout / to spurt
生煎 shēng jiān shengjian, a pan-fried bun filled with meat and juices, a Shanghai specialty
纸包饮品 zhǐ bāo yǐn pǐn juice box / drink in a carton / Tetra Pak drink

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