English to Chinese Dictionary


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duàn to break / to snap / to cut off / to give up or abstain from sth / to judge / (usu. used in the negative) absolutely / definitely / decidedly
判断 pàn duàn to judge / to determine / judgment
法官 guān judge (in court)
pǐn (bound form) article; commodity; product; goods / (bound form) grade; rank / kind; type; variety / character; disposition; nature; temperament / to taste sth; to sample / to criticize; to comment; to judge; to size up / fret (on a guitar or lute)
裁判 cái pàn (law) to judge; to adjudicate; verdict; judgement / (sports) to referee / (sports) umpire; referee; judge
回避 huí to shun / to avoid (sb) / to skirt / to evade (an issue) / to step back / to withdraw / to recuse (a judge etc)
pàn (bound form) to differentiate; to distinguish / (bound form) clearly (different) / to judge; to decide; to grade / (of a judge) to sentence
píng to discuss / to comment / to criticize / to judge / to choose (by public appraisal)
评审 píng shěn to appraise / to evaluate / to judge
判定 pàn dìng to judge / to decide / judgment / determination
难说 nán shuō hard to tell (i.e. hard to judge or hard to predict) / cannot bring oneself to say it
评委 píng wěi evaluation committee; judging panel / judging panel member; adjudicator (abbr. for 評選委員會委員|评选委员会委员[ping2xuan3 wei3yuan2hui4 wei3yuan2])
评判 píng pàn to judge (a competition) / to appraise
由此看来 yóu kàn lái thereby / judging from this
手下留情 shǒu xià liú qíng lit. start off leniently (idiom); please do not be too strict with me / Do not judge me too harshly. / Look favorably on my humble efforts.
品鉴 pǐn jiàn to judge / to examine / to evaluate
论断 lùn duàn to infer / to judge / inference / judgment / conclusion
包公 Bāo gōng Lord Bao or Judge Bao, fictional nickname of Bao Zheng 包拯[Bao1 Zheng3] (999-1062), Northern Song official renowned for his honesty
实践是检验真理的唯一标准 shí jiàn shì jiǎn yàn zhēn de wéi biāo zhǔn Actual practice is the sole criterion for judging truth (item from Deng Xiaoping theory, from 1978)
量规 liáng guī gauge that is held against an object to judge thickness, diameter etc, such as a feeler gauge, calipers etc / (abbr. for 評價量規|评价量规[ping2 jia4 liang2 gui1]) rubric (i.e. a guide listing specific criteria for grading)
品评 pǐn píng to judge / to assess
庭长 tíng zhǎng presiding judge
审时度势 shěn shí duó shì to judge the hour and size up the situation / to take stock
公案 gōng àn judge's desk / complex legal case / contentious issue / koan (Zen Buddhism)
评理 píng to judge between right and wrong / to reason things out

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