English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiyou joys juyou jocosus ?

欢乐 huān gaiety / gladness / glee / merriment / pleasure / happy / joyous / gay
喜悦 yuè happy / joyous
huān joyous / happy / pleased
欢愉 huān happy / joyous / delighted
欢喜 huān happy / joyous / delighted / to like / to be fond of
欢悦 huān yuè happiness / joy / to be happy / to be joyous
福相 xiàng facial expression of good fortune / joyous and contented look
yóu distant / joyous / satisfied
痛快淋漓 tòng kuài lín joyous / hearty / spirited / (of commentary) trenchant / incisive
happy / joyous
欢容 huān róng happy / joyous
其乐融融 róng róng (of relations) joyous and harmonious
喜兴 xìng joyous; delighted; merry

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