English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: ji jay joys ju jie jia jog jue ?

乐趣 delight; pleasure; joy
开花 kāi huā to bloom; to blossom; to flower / (fig.) to burst; to split open / (fig.) to burst with joy / (fig.) to spring up everywhere; to flourish
酸甜苦辣 suān tián sour, sweet, bitter and spicy hot / fig. the joys and sorrows of life
娱乐 to entertain / to amuse / entertainment / recreation / amusement / hobby / fun / joy
悲欢离合 bēi huān joys and sorrows / partings and reunions / the vicissitudes of life
喜怒哀乐 āi four types of human emotions, namely: happiness 歡喜|欢喜[huan1 xi3], anger 憤怒|愤怒[fen4 nu4], sorrow 悲哀[bei1 ai1] and joy 快樂|快乐[kuai4 le4]
眉开眼笑 méi kāi yǎn xiào brows raised in delight, eyes laughing (idiom); beaming with joy / all smiles
不亦乐乎 lit. isn't that a joy? (quote from Confucius) / fig. (jocular) extremely; awfully
喜洋洋 yáng yáng radiant with joy
销魂 xiāo hún ecstasy / rapture / to feel overwhelming joy or sorrow
愉悦 yuè joyful / cheerful / delighted / joy / delight
喜气洋洋 yáng yáng full of joy (idiom); jubilation
快感 kuài gǎn pleasure / thrill / delight / joy / pleasurable sensation / a high
欢天喜地 huān tiān delighted / with great joy / in high spirits
乐极生悲 shēng bēi extreme joy turns to sorrow (idiom); Don't celebrate too soon, things could still go wrong!
同甘共苦 tóng gān gòng shared delights and common hardships (idiom); to share life's joys and sorrows / for better or for worse
满腔 mǎn qiāng one's heart filled with / full of (joy)
欣喜若狂 xīn ruò kuáng to be wild with joy (idiom)
消魂 xiāo hún overwhelmed (with joy, sorrow etc) / to feel transported
心花怒放 xīn huā fàng to burst with joy (idiom) / to be over the moon / to be elated
否极泰来 tài lái extreme sorrow turns to joy (idiom)
兴冲冲 xìng chōng chōng full of joy and expectations / animatedly
天伦之乐 tiān lún zhī family love and joy / domestic bliss
笑逐颜开 xiào zhú yán kāi smile spread across the face (idiom); beaming with pleasure / all smiles / joy written across one's face

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