English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jokes jose jie jike jue joy joe joko ?

开玩笑 kāi wán xiào to play a joke; to make fun of; to joke
笑话 xiào hua joke; jest (CL:個|个[ge4]) / to laugh at; to mock / ridiculous; absurd
nào noisy / cacophonous / to make noise / to disturb / to vent (feelings) / to fall ill / to have an attack (of sickness) / to go in (for some activity) / to joke
当真 dàng zhēn to take seriously / serious / No joking, really!
dòu to tease (playfully); to entice / (coll.) to joke / (coll.) funny; amusing / to stay; to sojourn / brief pause at the end of a phrase (variant of 讀|读[dou4])
闹着玩儿 nào zhe wánr to play games / to joke around / to play a joke on sb
gěng branch / stem / stalk / CL:根[gen1] / to block / to hinder / (neologism that evolved from 哏[gen2], initially in Taiwan, during the first decade of the 21st century) memorable creative idea (joke, catchphrase, meme, neologism, witty remark etc) / prominent feature of a creative work (punchline of a joke, trope in a drama, special ingredient in a dish, riff in a pop song etc)
谈笑风生 tán xiào fēng shēng to talk cheerfully and wittily / to joke together
玩笑 wán xiào to joke / joke / jest
戏说 shuō dramatic form consisting of historical narration / history as jocular narrative / to stretch history for a joking story / amusing story with strained interpretations of history / to make an unreasonable comparison in jest
笑料 xiào liào comedic material / (in reference to a person) laughingstock / butt of jokes
噱头 xué tóu amusing speech or act / jokes / antics / funny / amusing / Taiwan pr. [xue1 tou2]
逗哏 dòu gén funny man (lead role in comic dialogue 對口相聲|对口相声[dui4 kou3 xiang4 sheng1]) / to joke / to play the fool / to provoke laughter
戏言 yán joking matter / to go back on one's words
xuè joy / to joke / to banter / to tease / to mock / Taiwan pr. [nu:e4]
说笑 shuō xiào to chat and laugh / to crack jokes / to banter
打哈哈 ha to joke / to laugh insincerely / to make merry / to talk irrelevantly
笑林 Xiào lín Jokes (title of an ancient collection of jokes, often used in the title of modern collections of jokes)
逗闷子 dòu mèn zi (dialect) to joke
恶作剧 è zuò practical joke / prank / to play a practical joke
戏谑 xuè to banter / to crack jokes / to ridicule
谐戏 xié to joke
笑点 xiào diǎn funny bits / humorous parts / jokes / punchline
烂梗 làn gěng lame joke
谐谈 xié tán joking / humorous talk

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