English to Chinese Dictionary


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约翰 Yuē hàn John (name) / Johan (name) / Johann (name)
凯恩斯 Kǎi ēn Keynes (name) / John Maynard Keynes (1883-1946), influential British economist / Cairns, city in Queensland, Australia
米尔顿 ěr dùn Milton (name) / John Milton (1608-1674), English republican writer and poet, author of Paradise Lost
麦凯恩 Mài kǎi ēn McCain (name) / John McCain (1936-2018), US Republican politician, Senator for Arizona 1987-2018
若翰 Ruò hàn John (less common form of 若望[Ruo4 wang4] or 約翰|约翰[Yue1 han4])
道尔顿 Dào ěr dùn Dalton (name) / John Dalton (1766-1844), British scientist who contributed to atomic theory
蓝侬 Lán nóng John Lennon (1940-1980), English singer, guitarist, and songwriter
圣约翰 Shèng yuē hàn Saint John
若望 Ruò wàng John / Saint John / less common variant of 約翰|约翰[Yue1 han4] preferred by the Catholic Church
瓦里斯 Wallis (name) / John Wallis (1616-1703), English mathematician
约翰·拉贝 Yuē hàn · bèi John Rabe (1882-1950), German who helped protect Chinese during the Nanking massacre period
司徒雷登 Léi dēng John Leighton Stuart (1876-1962), second-generation American missionary in China, first president of Yenching University and later United States ambassador to China
启示录 shì the Revelation of St John the divine / the Apocalypse
棒约翰 Bàng Yuē hàn Papa John's (pizza chain)
霍普金斯大学 Huò jīn xué Johns Hopkins University
中美文化研究中心 Zhōng - Měi Wén huà Yán jiū Zhōng xīn the Hopkins-Nanjing Center, located in Nanjing, est. 1986 (formally, the Johns Hopkins University - Nanjing University Center for Chinese and American Studies)
天路历程 Tiān chéng Pilgrim's Progress, 1678 novel by John Bunyan (first Chinese translation 1851)
尼哥底母 Nicodemus, prominent Jew of the time of Christ, mentioned in the Gospel of John
爱留根纳 Ài liú gēn Eriugena, John Scottus (c. 810-880) Irish poet, theologian, and philosopher of Neoplatonism
斯坦贝克 tǎn bèi John Steinbeck (1902-1968), US novelist
施洗约翰 Shī Yuē hàn John the Baptist
施洗者约翰 Shī zhě Yuē hàn John the Baptist
洗者若翰 zhě Ruò hàn St John the Baptist
约翰·厄普代克 Yuē hàn · È dài John Updike, US novelist (1932-2009), Pulitzer Prize winner
约翰·本仁 Yuē hàn · Běn rén John Bunyan (1628-1688), English puritan writer, author of Pilgrim's Progress 天路歷程|天路历程

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