English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiu ji jiayu jieyu jiju jiwu jixu jiyi ?

机遇 opportunity / favorable circumstance / stroke of luck
给予 (literary) to give; to accord; to render
基于 because of / on the basis of / in view of / on account of
急于 eager to / in a hurry to
寄语 to give an earnest message of good wishes, encouragement, or advice etc; a message of this sort
觊觎 (literary) to covet; to cast greedy eyes on
鲫鱼 crucian carp
寄予 to place (hope, importance etc) on / to express; to show; to give
际遇 circumstance(s) encountered in one's life (favorable or otherwise) / stroke of luck / opportunity
积郁 (of gloomy thoughts etc) to smolder; to accumulate in one's mind / accumulated anxiety
给与 variant of 給予|给予[ji3 yu3]
矶鹬 (bird species of China) common sandpiper (Actitis hypoleucos)
姬鹬 (bird species of China) jack snipe (Lymnocryptes minimus)
急欲 to be keen to ... / to be anxious to ...
几欲 almost / nearly going to
徐继畲 Xu Jiyu (1795-1873), Chinese geographer

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