English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiewei jie jiawei jiuwei jizei juwei jixi jishi ?

极为 wéi extremely; exceedingly
纪委 wěi discipline inspection commission
继位 wèi to succeed to the throne
己未 wèi fifty-sixth year F8 of the 60 year cycle, e.g. 1979 or 2039
即位 wèi to succeed to the throne / accession
记为 wéi denoted by
济危 wēi to help people in distress
即为 wéi to be considered to be / to be defined to be / to be called
几微 wēi tiny / infinitesimal
机尾 wěi the rear (tail) of a plane etc
肌胃 wèi gizzard

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