English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiezhi jizhi jiushi jiazhi juzhi jiuzhu jigzhi jiuzhe ?

救治 jiù zhì to provide critical care (to a patient or a diseased plant)
就职 jiù zhí to take office; to assume a post
旧址 jiù zhǐ former site; old location
久治 Jiǔ zhì Jigzhi or Jiuzhi county (Tibetan: gcig sgril rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州[Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai (formerly in Sichuan)
旧制 jiù zhì old system / weights and measures of former times
旧知 jiù zhī old acquaintance / former friend
久之 jiǔ zhī for a long time
久治县 Jiǔ zhì xiàn Jigzhi or Jiuzhi county (Tibetan: gcig sgril rdzong) in Golog Tibetan autonomous prefecture 果洛州[Guo3 luo4 zhou1], Qinghai (formerly in Sichuan)

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