English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: ji ju jie jia jiyu jiju jiwu jixu ?

jiù (after a suppositional clause) in that case; then / (after a clause of action) as soon as; immediately after / (same as 就是[jiu4 shi4]) merely; nothing else but; simply; just; precisely; exactly / only; as little as / as much as; as many as / to approach; to move towards / to undertake; to engage in / (often followed by 著|着[zhe5]) taking advantage of / (of food) to go with / with regard to; concerning / (pattern: 就[jiu4] ... 也[ye3] ...) even if ... still ... / (pattern: 不[bu4] ... 就[jiu4] ...) if not ... then must be ...
jiǔ nine / 9
jiǔ wine (esp. rice wine) / liquor / spirits / alcoholic beverage / CL:杯[bei1],瓶[ping2],罐[guan4],桶[tong3],缸[gang1]
jiù old / opposite: new 新 / former / worn (with age)
jiǔ (long) time / (long) duration of time
jiù to save / to assist / to rescue
jiù variant of 救[jiu4]
jiū to seize / to clutch / to grab firmly and pull
jiǔ leek
jiǔ black jade / nine (banker's anti-fraud numeral)
jiū (onom.) wailing of child / chirp / kiss (Tw)
jiǔ moxibustion (TCM)
jiǔ variant of 韭[jiu3]
jiù fault / to blame / to punish / calamity / misfortune
jiū to gather / to collect
jiū to gather together / to investigate / to entangle / to correct
jiù maternal uncle
jiū after all / to investigate / to study carefully / Taiwan pr. [jiu4]
jiù chronic disease / guilt / remorse
jiù mortar
jiū turtledove / (literary) to gather
jiù vulture
jiù stable / barn
jiū old variant of 糾|纠[jiu1]
jiù (literary) to rent; to hire; to lease

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