English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiashi jizhi jieshi jiushi jishu jishui jushi jisi ?

及时 shí timely; at the right time / promptly; without delay
即使 shǐ even if; even though
计时 shí to measure time / to time / to reckon by time
纪实 shí record of actual events / documentary (factual rather than fictional)
集市 shì market; bazaar; fair
几时 shí at what time?; when?
即时 shí immediate
既是 shì is both ...(and...) / since / as / being the case that
记事 shì to keep a record of events / record / to start to form memories (after one's infancy)
基石 shí foundation stone; cornerstone / (fig.) basis; foundation
技师 shī senior technician; technical expert
即食 shí instant (food)
积食 shí (of food) to retain in stomach due to indigestion (TCM)
继室 shì second wife (of a widower)
急事 shì urgent matter
疾驶 shǐ (of a vehicle) to travel at high speed
济事 shì (usually used in the negative) to be of help or use
给事 shì (the name of an official position in the imperial court), aka 給事中|给事中[ji3 shi4 zhong1]
吉士 shì cheese (loanword) / custard powder / (literary) man (laudatory) / person of virtue
吉事 shì auspicious event
季世 shì final phase / end of a historical era

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