English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jianshi jinsha jinshu junshi jinshui jinzhi jingshi jinchi ?

近视 jìn shì shortsighted / nearsighted / myopia
进士 jìn shì successful candidate in the highest imperial civil service examination / palace graduate
进食 jìn shí to eat one's meal
禁食 jìn shí to fast / to abstain from eating / to forbid the eating of (certain foods) / a fast
尽是 jìn shì to be full of / completely
今世 jīn shì this life / this age
浸湿 jìn shī to soak / to saturate
紧实 jǐn shí tight / firm / dense / packed
金石 jīn shí metal and stone / fig. hard objects / inscription on metal or bronze
金饰 jīn shì gold ornaments
金氏 Jīn shì Guinness (name) (Tw)
津市市 Jīn shì shì Jinshi, county-level city in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], Hunan
金史 Jīn shǐ History of the Jurchen Jin Dynasty, twenty second of the 24 dynastic histories 二十四史[Er4 shi2 si4 Shi3], composed under Toktoghan 脫脫|脱脱[Tuo1 tuo1] in 1345 during the Yuan Dynasty 元[Yuan2], 135 scrolls
津市 Jīn shì Jinshi, county-level city in Changde 常德[Chang2 de2], Hunan
尽失 jìn shī (of hope, appetite, authority etc) to be lost

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