English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jimu jiemi jiemo jimei jimi jiama jiemu jima ?

吉米 Jimmy, Jimmie or Jimi (name)
卡特 Carter (name) / Jimmy Carter (1924-), US Democrat politician, president 1977-1981
大卫营和约 wèi yíng yuē the Camp David agreement of 1978 brokered by President Jimmy Carter between Israel and Egypt
几米 Jimmy Liao (1958-), pen name of 廖福彬[Liao4 Fu2 bin1], Taiwanese illustrator and picture book writer
黎智英 Zhì Yīng Lai Chee-ying, aka Jimmy Lai (1947-), Hong Kong media tycoon, prominent critic of the CCP and supporter of the pro-democracy camp 民主派[Min2zhu3pai4]

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