English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jixi jizi ji jieji jiaji jiju jiqi juji ?

积极 active / energetic / vigorous / positive (outlook) / proactive
济济 large number of people
唧唧 (onom.) chirping of insects, sighing noise etc
基极 base electrode (in transistor)
寂寂 quiet
籍籍 noisy / of high reputation / intricate
寄籍 to register as domiciled in another land / naturalization
鸡鸡 penis (childish)
济急 to give relief (material)
寄迹 to live away from home temporarily
辑集 to anthologize
集集 Jiji or Chichi Town in Nantou County 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 Xian4], central Taiwan
及笄 to reach marriageable age (a girl's fifteenth birthday)
集集镇 Zhèn Jiji or Chichi Town in Nantou County 南投縣|南投县[Nan2 tou2 Xian4], central Taiwan

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