English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jishi jiezhi jiashi jiushi jiechi jieshu jueshi jieshe ?

结实 jiē shi rugged / sturdy / strong / durable / buff (physique)
解释 jiě shì explanation / to explain / to interpret / to resolve / CL:個|个[ge4]
揭示 jiē shì to show / to make known
结识 jié shí to get to know sb / to meet sb for the first time
届时 jiè shí when the time comes / at the scheduled time
结石 jié shí (medicine) calculus; stone
借势 jiè shì to borrow sb's authority / to seize an opportunity
节食 jié shí to save food / to go on a diet
街市 jiē shì downtown area / commercial district / (chiefly Cantonese) wet market, i.e. a marketplace selling fresh meat, fish and vegetables etc
结实 jiē shí to bear fruit
洁食 jié shí kosher

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