English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiedian judian jiadian jidan jitian jidien jiduan jiudian ?

祭奠 diàn to offer sacrifices (to one's ancestors) / to hold or attend a memorial service
积淀 diàn deposits accumulated over long periods / fig. valuable experience, accumulated wisdom
基点 diǎn base; centre / basis; point of departure; starting point / (finance) basis point
机电 diàn machinery and power-generating equipment / electromechanical
极点 diǎn extreme point / pole / the origin (in polar coordinates)
祭典 diǎn sacrificial ceremony / religious festival
绩点 diǎn (education) grade point
基甸 diàn Gideon (name, from Judges 6:11 onward) / also written 吉迪恩
几点 diǎn what time? / when?

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