English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiezi jizi jiaozi jiaji jiayi jiao jia jiazhi ?

架子 jià zi shelf / frame / stand / framework / airs / arrogance
夹子 jiā zi clip / clamp / tongs / folder / wallet
家子 jiā zi household / family
甲子 jiǎ first year of the sixty-year cycle (where each year is numbered with one of the 10 heavenly stems 天干[tian1 gan1] and one of the 12 earthly branches 地支[di4 zhi1]) / the sixty-year cycle
假子 jiǎ adopted son / stepson
铗子 jiá zi tongs
家姊 jiā my sister
嫁资 jià dowry / CL:份[fen4],筆|笔[bi3]
甲紫 jiǎ gentian violet

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