English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiyu jieyu jiaju jiayi jiao jia jiaya jiagu ?

驾驭 jià to urge on (of horse) / to drive / to steer / to handle / to manage / to master / to dominate
甲鱼 jiǎ softshell turtle
关外 Guān wài beyond the pass, i.e. the region north and east of Shanhai Pass 山海關|山海关[Shan1 hai3 guan1] or the region west of Jiayu Pass 嘉峪關|嘉峪关[Jia1 yu4 guan1] or both
嘉鱼 Jiā Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ning2], Hubei
驾御 jià variant of 駕馭|驾驭[jia4 yu4]
家语 Jiā The School Sayings of Confucius (abbr. for 孔子家語|孔子家语[Kong3 zi3 Jia1 yu3])
嘉峪关 Jiā guān Jiayu Pass in Gansu, at the western terminus of the Great Wall / Jiayuguan prefecture-level city in Gansu
嘉鱼县 Jiā xiàn Jiayu county in Xianning 咸寧|咸宁[Xian2 ning2], Hubei

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