English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiaozhi jiazi jiaoyi jiao jiaoji jiaoqi jiaoxi jiaosi ?

饺子 jiǎo zi dumpling / pot-sticker / CL:個|个[ge4],隻|只[zhi1]
tuó mound; heap; lump / classifier for small mounds (e.g. animal scat deposits) / (of noodles, jiaozi 餃子|饺子[jiao3zi5] etc) to stick together; to form a clump
轿子 jiào zi sedan chair / palanquin / litter
教子 jiào to educate one's children / godson
剂子 zi piece of dough cut to the right size (for making jiaozi etc)
嚼子 jiáo zi bit / mouthpiece
胶子 jiāo gluon (particle physics)
包饺子 bāo jiǎo zi to wrap jiaozi (dumplings or potstickers)
扁食 biǎn shi (dialect) Chinese-style dumpling (such as wonton, jiaozi etc)
角子 jiǎo zi one Jiao coin (Mao, one-tenth of yuan)

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