English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiaoji jiajie jiaojia jiaojiu jiaoxie jiaoyie jiaozi jiaji ?

交接 jiāo jiē (of two things) to come into contact / to meet / to hand over to / to take over from / to associate with / to have friendly relations with / to have sexual intercourse
交界 jiāo jiè common boundary / common border
皎洁 jiǎo jié shining clean / bright (moonlight)
胶结 jiāo jié to glue / to cement / a bond
矫捷 jiǎo jié vigorous and nimble / athletic
交结 jiāo jié to associate with / to mix with / to connect
胶接 jiāo jiē to splice / a glued joint / a bond
交睫 jiāo jié to close one's eyes (i.e. sleep)

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