English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jiaohua jiaogui jiaohuo jiaohu jiaoshui jiaohuai jiahui jiaocui ?

交汇 jiāo huì to flow together / confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads) / (international) cooperation
教会 jiāo huì to show / to teach
教会 jiào huì Christian church
交会 jiāo huì to encounter / to rendezvous / to converge / to meet (a payment)
教诲 jiào huì (literary) to instruct; to admonish; to counsel / teachings; instruction; guidance
交汇 jiāo huì variant of 交匯|交汇 / to flow together / confluence (of rivers, airflow, roads) / (international) cooperation
角回 jiǎo huí angular gyrus (convolution of the brain)

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