English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jianshi jiangxi jianzi jiangzhi jianzha jianzhu jinzhi jianzai ?

简直 jiǎn zhí simply; really
兼职 jiān zhí to hold concurrent posts / concurrent job / moonlighting
剪纸 jiǎn zhǐ papercutting (Chinese folk art) / to make paper cutouts
剪枝 jiǎn zhī to prune (branches etc)
建制 jiàn zhì organizational structure
建置 jiàn zhì to set up; to establish / facilities / (government) agency; authority
监制 jiān zhì to supervise the manufacture of / to supervise the shooting of films / executive producer (film)
舰只 jiàn zhī warship
间质 jiān zhì mesenchyme (physiology)
坚执 jiān zhí to persist / to continue upholding / to persevere / to stick to sth / stubborn
坚致 jiān zhì robust and fine textured
蹇滞 jiǎn zhì awkward / ominous / unfavorable

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