English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jinshi jianzhi jiangxi jianshu jianshui jiangshi jianchi jianshe ?

坚实 jiān shí firm and substantial / solid
监视 jiān shì to monitor / to keep a close watch over / surveillance
见识 jiàn shi to gain first-hand knowledge of sth / to experience for oneself / knowledge / experience / insight
捡拾 jiǎn shí to pick up; to gather
简史 jiǎn shǐ a brief history
建始 Jiàn shǐ Jianshi County in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei
箭矢 jiàn shǐ arrow / CL:支[zhi1]
兼施 jiān shī using several (methods)
鉴识 jiàn shí to identify / to detect
捡尸 jiǎn shī (slang) to target an intoxicated person for sexual assault
间使 jiàn shǐ secret envoy / acupuncture point Pc-5
尖石 Jiān shí Jianshi or Chienshih township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
检尸 jiǎn shī autopsy / necropsy / postmortem examination
奸尸 jiān shī to have sex with a corpse
吉安市 ān shì Ji'an prefecture-level city in Jiangxi
尖石乡 Jiān shí xiāng Jianshi or Chienshih township in Hsinchu County 新竹縣|新竹县[Xin1 zhu2 Xian4], northwest Taiwan
建始县 Jiàn shǐ Xiàn Jianshi County in Enshi Tujia and Miao Autonomous Prefecture 恩施土家族苗族自治州[En1 shi1 Tu3 jia1 zu2 Miao2 zu2 Zi4 zhi4 zhou1], Hubei
检视 jiǎn shì to inspect / to examine
集安市 ān shì Ji'an, county-level city in Tonghua 通化, Jilin

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