English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jing jiong jiangsu jiangxi jiange jiangu jiyang jang ?

jiǎng to speak / to explain / to negotiate / to emphasize / to be particular about / as far as sth is concerned / speech / lecture
jiǎng prize; award; bonus; reward / (bound form) to encourage; to commend; to praise / to award; to give as a reward
jiàng to drop / to fall / to come down / to descend
jiāng river / CL:條|条[tiao2],道[dao4]
jiāng will / shall / to use / to take / to checkmate / just a short while ago / (introduces object of main verb, used in the same way as 把[ba3])
jiàng thick paste of fermented soybean / marinated in soy paste / paste / jam
jiāng ginger
jiāng variant of 薑|姜[jiang1]
jiāng rigid / deadlock / stiff (corpse)
jiāng variant of 僵[jiang1]
jiàng (bound form) a general / (literary) to command; to lead / (Chinese chess) general (on the black side, equivalent to a king in Western chess)
jiàng stubborn / unyielding
jiāng border / boundary
Jiāng surname Jiang
jiàng craftsman
Jiàng capital of the Jin State during the Spring and Autumn Period (770-475 BC)
jiàng purple-red
Jiǎng surname Jiang / Chiang Kai-shek 蔣介石|蒋介石[Jiang3 Jie4shi2]
jiàng variant of 強|强[jiang4]
僵尸 jiāng shī gyonshi / jiang shi / Chinese vampire / zombie
jiāng thick liquid / to starch
绛县 Jiàng xiàn Jiang county in Yuncheng 運城|运城[Yun4 cheng2], Shanxi
江岸 Jiāng àn Jiang'an district of Wuhan city 武漢市|武汉市[Wu3 han4 shi4], Hubei
jiàng snare / to snare
jiǎng oar; paddle / CL:隻|只[zhi1]

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