English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: jincheng jianzheng jianchang jiangcheng juancheng jiansheng jianchen jianchong ?

建成 jiàn chéng to establish / to build
简称 jiǎn chēng to be abbreviated to / abbreviation; short form
坚称 jiān chēng to claim / to insist
兼程 jiān chéng to travel at double speed / to make all haste
剪成 jiǎn chéng cut into
僭称 jiàn chēng to give sb or sth a title one has no authority to give
键程 jiàn chéng key travel (of a keyboard)
贱称 jiàn chēng contemptuous term
李建成 Jiàn chéng Li Jiancheng (589-626), eldest son of first Tang emperor Li Yuan 唐高祖李淵|唐高祖李渊, murdered by his brother 李世民 in the Xuanwu Gate coup 玄武門之變|玄武门之变 / Professor Li Jiancheng (1964-), geophysicist and specialist in satellite geodesy

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