English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: ju jie jia jiu j jiao je jue ?

to record / to note / to memorize / to remember / mark / sign / classifier for blows, kicks, shots
how much / how many / several / a few
level / grade / rank / step (of stairs) / CL:個|个[ge4] / classifier: step, level
fowl / chicken / CL:隻|只[zhi1] / (slang) prostitute
urgent / pressing / rapid / hurried / worried / to make (sb) anxious
to tie / to fasten / to button up
already / since / both... (and...)
to send / to mail / to entrust / to depend on / to attach oneself to / to live (in a house) / to lodge / foster (son etc)
extremely / pole (geography, physics) / utmost / top
season / the last month of a season / fourth or youngest amongst brothers / classifier for seasonal crop yields
to crowd in / to cram in / to force others aside / to press / to squeeze / to find (time in one's busy schedule)
to gather / to collect / collected works / classifier for sections of a TV series etc: episode
to calculate / to compute / to count / to regard as important / to plan / ruse / meter / gauge
and / to reach / up to / in time for
dose (medicine)
namely / that is / i.e. / prompt / at once / at present / even if / prompted (by the occasion) / to approach / to come into contact / to assume (office) / to draw near
to continue / to follow after / to go on with / to succeed / to inherit / then / afterwards
to be jealous of / fear / dread / scruple / to avoid or abstain from / to quit / to give up sth
to offer a sacrifice to (gods or ancestors) / memorial ceremony / (in classical novels) to recite an incantation to activate a magic weapon / (lit. and fig.) to wield
to amass; to accumulate; to store up / (math.) product (the result of multiplication) / (TCM) constipation; indigestion
surname Ji
surname Ji
(bound form) machine; mechanism / (bound form) aircraft / (bound form) an opportunity / (bound form) crucial point; pivot / (bound form) quick-witted; flexible / (bound form) organic
(archaic) sentence-final particle expressing a doubting attitude
(bound form) base; foundation / (bound form) radical (chemistry) / (bound form) gay (loanword from English into Cantonese, Jyutping: gei1, followed by orthographic borrowing from Cantonese)

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