English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: get just jest jot jeet jut jetty jiti ?

射流 shè liú jet (math.)
喷墨 pēn ink jet
水柱 shuǐ zhù stream of water (as from a fountain or a faucet); jet of water
喷射 pēn shè to spurt; to spray; to jet / spurt; spray; jet
时差 shí chā time difference / time lag / jet lag
廊桥 láng qiáo covered bridge / (aviation) passenger boarding bridge; jet bridge
乌黑 hēi jet-black / dark
black horse / jet steed / good horse / legendary black dragon
乌亮 liàng lustrous and black / jet-black
a black stone like jade / jet
运十 yùn shí Shanghai Y-10 / Yun-10 commercial jet aircraft
翔凤 Xiáng fèng Comac ARJ21, Chinese-built twin-engine regional jet
喷气推进实验室 Pēn Tuī jìn Shí yàn shì Jet Propulsion Laboratory, R&D center in Pasadena, California
喷气发动机 pēn dòng jet engine
前掠翼 qián lüè swept-forward wing (on jet fighter)
水上摩托车 shuǐ shàng tuō chē jet ski
古根罕喷气推进研究中心 gēn hǎn Pēn Tuī jìn Yán jiū Zhōng xīn Guggenheim Aeronautical Laboratory at the California Institute of Technology (GALCIT, from 1926) / Guggenheim Jet Propulsion Center (from 1943)
喷射机 pēn shè jet plane / spraying machine
喷气式 pēn shì jet-propelled
喷气式飞机 pēn shì fēi jet aircraft
喷气机 pēn jet plane
李连杰 Lián jié Li Lianjie or Jet Li (1963-), martial arts sportsman, subsequently film star and director
水上摩托 shuǐ shàng tuō jet ski
乌漆墨黑 hēi jet-black / pitch-dark
无针注射器 zhēn zhù shè jet injector

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