English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: husk hussy husks hush hushi hsk husu hacky ?

mute; dumb; incapable of speech / (of a voice) hoarse; husky / (bound form) (of a bullet, bomb etc) dud
(interj.) ha! / (onom. for laughter) / (slang) to be infatuated with; to adore / (bound form) husky (dog) (abbr. for 哈士奇[ha1shi4qi2])
嘶哑 (onom.) coarse crowing / hoarse / husky
哈士奇 shì husky (sled dog)
沙哑 shā hoarse; husky; raspy
彪形大汉 biāo xíng - hàn (idiom) burly chap; husky fellow
二哈 èr (coll.) silly but cute husky (dog)
粗哑 husky / hoarse / raucous
公哈 gōng male husky (dog)
岔调 chà diào (of a voice) husky / hoarse / affected / (music) to go off-key
彪壮 biāo zhuàng tall and husky / hefty
彪形 biāo xíng husky / burly
母哈 female husky (dog)
粗厉 abrasive / husky (voice)
声线 shēng xiàn voice (as sth that may be described as husky 沙啞|沙哑[sha1ya3] or deep 低沉[di1chen2] etc) / (physics) sound ray

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