English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: huge high has his hog hugo hugs hcg ?

bào to hold / to carry (in one's arms) / to hug / to embrace / to surround / to cherish / (coll.) (of clothes) to fit nicely
拥抱 yōng bào to embrace / to hug
怀抱 huái bào to hug / to cherish / within the bosom (of the family) / to embrace (also fig. an ideal, aspiration etc)
lǒu to hug / to embrace / to hold in one's arms
拥吻 yōng wěn to hug and kiss
修身 xiū shēn to cultivate one's moral character / (fashion) slim-fit / body-hugging
抱抱 bào bào to hug; to give a cuddle
to hug
搂抱 lǒu bào to hug / to embrace
紧抱 jǐn bào to hug / to embrace
抱抱团 bào bào tuán Free Hugs Campaign
抱抱装 bào bào zhuāng "hug shirt" worn by members of the Free Hugs Campaign (see 抱抱團|抱抱团[bao4 bao4 tuan2])
熊抱 xióng bào bear hug; to give (sb) a bear-hug

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