English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: houses hose huge houshe housi husk hush houji ?

房子 fáng zi house / building (single- or two-story) / apartment / room / CL:棟|栋[dong4],幢[zhuang4],座[zuo4],套[tao4],間|间[jian1]
mén gate / door / CL:扇[shan4] / gateway / doorway / CL:個|个[ge4] / opening / valve / switch / way to do something / knack / family / house / (religious) sect / school (of thought) / class / category / phylum or division (taxonomy) / classifier for large guns / classifier for lessons, subjects, branches of technology / (suffix) -gate (i.e. scandal; derived from Watergate)
奶奶 nǎi nai (informal) grandma (paternal grandmother) / (respectful) mistress of the house / CL:位[wei4] / (coll.) boobies / breasts
lóu house with more than 1 story / storied building / floor / CL:層|层[ceng2],座[zuo4],棟|栋[dong4]
酒店 jiǔ diàn wine shop / pub (public house) / hotel / restaurant / (Tw) hostess club
suǒ actually / place / classifier for houses, small buildings, institutions etc / that which / particle introducing a relative clause or passive / CL:個|个[ge4]
房租 fáng rent for a room or house
搬家 bān jiā to move house; to relocate / to remove (sth)
屋子 zi house / room / CL:間|间[jian1]
房屋 fáng house / building / CL:所[suo3],套[tao4]
to send / to mail / to entrust / to depend on / to attach oneself to / to live (in a house) / to lodge / foster (son etc)
(bound form) house / (bound form) room
宠物 chǒng house pet
房价 fáng jià house price / cost of housing
出版社 chū bǎn shè publishing house
dòng classifier for houses or buildings / ridgepole (old)
急诊 zhěn to give or receive urgent medical treatment / emergency treatment (at a hospital emergency department or from a doctor on a house call)
主妇 zhǔ housewife / woman of senior authority in a household / the lady of the house / hostess
新房 xīn fáng brand new house / bridal chamber
四合院 yuàn courtyard house with a fully enclosed courtyard (type of Chinese residence)
宝库 bǎo treasure-house / treasury / treasure-trove (often fig., book of treasured wisdom)
挨家挨户 āi jiā āi to go from house to house
fáng house / room / CL:間|间[jian1] / branch of an extended family / classifier for family members (or concubines)
to reside / to be (in a certain position) / to store up / to be at a standstill / residence / house / restaurant / classifier for bedrooms
葫芦 lu calabash or bottle gourd (Lagenaria siceraria) / hoist / generic term for block and tackle (or parts thereof) / muddled / (poker) full house

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