English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: high hug has his hoc huge hook hcg ?

zhū hog / pig / swine / CL:口[kou3],頭|头[tou2]
叨叨 dāo dao to chatter / to hog the conversation
shǐ hog / swine
路霸 brigand / (modern) uncivil driver; road hog / (PRC) person who sets up an illegal toll / (Tw) person who uses a part of the street as their private parking place
独吞 tūn to hog / to keep everything for oneself
电老虎 diàn lǎo electricity hog; electricity guzzler
一不做,二不休 zuò , èr xiū lit. either don't do it, or don't rest (idiom) / fig. if you do it at all, you may as well go the whole hog / in for a penny, in for a pound
松露猪 sōng zhū truffle hog
麦霸 mài mic hog / person who monopolizes the mike at karaoke party (hegemon 霸 of the microphone 麥克風|麦克风)

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