English to Chinese Dictionary


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中锋 zhōng fēng midfielder / center (basketball) / center forward (hockey, football)
冰球 bīng qiú ice hockey / puck
门将 mén jiàng official gatekeeper / goalkeeper (soccer, hockey etc)
角球 jiǎo qiú corner kick (in soccer) / free strike in hockey
球棒 qiú bàng (baseball or cricket) bat / hockey stick
曲棍球 gùn qiú field hockey
冰球场 bīng qiú chǎng ice hockey rink
曲棍 gùn bent stick / hockey stick
球竿 qiú gān cue (billiards) / club (golf) / stick (hockey)
破门 mén to burst or force open a door / to excommunicate sb (from the Roman Catholic Church) / to score a goal (in football, hockey etc)

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