English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: has high hiss hes hgs hk husk hug ?

身份 shēn fèn identity / aspect of one's identity (i.e. sth that one is – mayor, father, permanent resident etc) / role / capacity (as in "in his capacity as a ..." 以…的身份[yi3 xx5 de5 shen1 fen4]) / status (social, legal etc) / position / rank
his / her / its / their / that / such / it (refers to sth preceding it)
及其 (conjunction linking two nouns) and its ...; and their ...; and his ...; and her ...
当今 dāng jīn the present time / (old) (in reference to the reigning monarch) His Majesty
剥夺 duó to deprive / to expropriate / to strip (sb of his property)
免职 miǎn zhí to relieve sb of his post / to sack / to demote / dismissal / sacking
皇上 huáng shang the emperor / Your majesty the emperor / His imperial majesty
各奔前程 bèn qián chéng each goes his own way (idiom); each person has his own life to lead
各异 all different / each unto his own
qīng high ranking official (old) / term of endearment between spouses (old) / (from the Tang Dynasty onwards) term used by the emperor for his subjects (old) / honorific (old)
三宝 sān bǎo the Three Precious Treasures of Buddhism, namely: the Buddha 佛, the Dharma 法 (his teaching), and the Sangha 僧 (his monastic order)
江山易改,本性难移 jiāng shān gǎi , běn xìng nán it is easier to change mountains and rivers than to alter one's character (idiom) / you can't change who you are / Can the leopard change his spots?
管子 Guǎn Guanzi or Guan Zhong 管仲 (-645 BC), famous politician of Qi 齊國|齐国 of Spring and Autumn period / Guanzi, classical book containing writings of Guan Zhong and his school
成全 chéng quán to help sb accomplish his aim / to help sb succeed / to complete / to make whole / to round off
钉子户 dīng zi householder who refuses to vacate his home despite pressure from property developers
jué to faint / to lose consciousness / his / her / its / their
殿下 diàn xià Your Majesty (honorific) / His or Her Highness
归功 guī gōng to give credit / to give sb his due / attribution
貂蝉 Diāo Chán Diaochan (-192), one of the four legendary beauties 四大美女[si4 da4 mei3 nu:3], in fiction a famous beauty at the break-up of Han dynasty, given as concubine to usurping warlord Dong Zhuo 董卓[Dong3 Zhuo2] to ensure his overthrow by fighting hero Lü Bu 呂布|吕布[Lu:3 Bu4]
陛下 xià Your Majesty / His or Her Majesty
his / her / its / their
杏林 xìng lín forest of apricot trees / (fig.) honorific term for fine doctor (cf Dr Dong Feng 董奉[Dong3 Feng4], 3rd century AD, asked his patients to plant apricot trees instead of paying fees)
乌纱帽 shā mào black gauze hat (worn by an imperial official as a sign of his position) / (fig.) official post
不悱不发 fěi a student should not be guided until he has made an effort to express his thoughts (idiom)
武松 Sōng Wu Song, a heroic outlaw of Liangshan Marsh in the classic novel Water Margin 水滸傳|水浒传[Shui3 hu3 Zhuan4], whose exploits include killing a tiger with his bare hands

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