English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: his hike higgs hiss hickey hes hayes highs ?

爬山 shān to climb a mountain / to mountaineer / hiking / mountaineering
gǔn to boil / to roll / to take a hike / Get lost!
踏青 qīng lit. tread the green; go for a walk in the spring (when the grass has turned green) / spring hike season around Qingming festival 清明, 4th-6th April
踏春 chūn to go for a hike in spring
远足 yuǎn excursion / hike / march
漫步 màn to wander / to ramble / recreational hiking / to perambulate
搭车 chē to ride (in a vehicle) / to get a lift / to hitch-hike
野游 yóu outing in the country / to go on a hike / to go courting
健行 jiàn xíng to hike
调升 tiáo shēng to adjust upward / to upgrade / (price) hike
山行 shān xíng mountain hike
徒步旅行 xíng hiking
便车旅行者 biàn chē xíng zhě hitch-hiker
不误 used in expressions of the form 照V不誤|照V不误[zhao4 xx5 bu4 wu4], in which V is a verb, 照[zhao4] means "as before", and the overall meaning is "carry on (doing sth) regardless" or "continue (to do sth) in spite of changed circumstances", e.g. 照買不誤|照买不误[zhao4 mai3 bu4 wu4], to keep on buying (a product) regardless (of price hikes)
徒步路径 jìng hiking trail

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