English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: haze has hawk heze hack hash hezi hz ?

máng vast, with no clear boundary / fig. hazy / indistinct / unclear / confused
雾蒙蒙 méng méng foggy / misty / hazy
苍苍 cāng cāng ash gray / vast and hazy / flourishing
苍茫 cāng máng boundless / vast / hazy (distant horizon)
huǎng (bound form) in a hazy state of mind / (bound form) to snap out of that state / used in 恍如[huang3ru2] and 恍若[huang3ruo4]
微茫 wēi máng hazy / blurred
暮色苍茫 cāng máng the hazy dusk of twilight (idiom)
ài indistinct / hazy / misty / to seem / to appear
惝恍 chǎng huǎng (literary) despondent; upset / (literary) hazy; indistinct

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