English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: hitch hash haochi haochu hates hats haichu ?

小钢炮 xiǎo gāng pào (coll.) piece of light artillery such as a mortar / (fig.) person who speaks boldly and frankly / hot hatch (car) / (also used figuratively with various meanings in other contexts)
如意算盘 suàn pán counting one's chickens before they are hatched
kūn fry (newly hatched fish) / legendary giant fish that could transform into a giant bird 鵬|鹏[Peng2]
鱼苗 miáo fry / newly hatched fish
雏儿 chú ér newly hatched bird / fig. inexperienced person / fig. chick (slighting term for young woman) / bimbo
雏鸡 chú chick / newly hatched chicken
害鸟 hài niǎo pest bird (esp. one that feeds on farm crops or newly hatched fish)
孵卵 luǎn to hatch / to brood
damage egg so it does not hatch
bào hatch
鱼花 huā fry / newly hatched fish
报窝 bào to brood / to hatch
交叉阴影线 jiāo chā yīn yǐng xiàn hatched lines / cross-hatched graphic pattern
breeding / to incubate / to hatch
蚕蚁 cán newly hatched silkworm

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