English to Chinese Dictionary


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土楼 lóu traditional Hakka communal residence in Fujian, typically a large multistory circular structure built around a central shrine
客家 jiā Hakka ethnic group, a subgroup of the Han that in the 13th century migrated from northern China to the south
bǎn (Hakka cuisine) snacks made from glutinous rice flour (rice cakes, noodles etc)
豉油 chǐ yóu soy sauce (chiefly in Cantonese and Hakka areas)
客家话 jiā huà Hakka dialect
板面 bǎn miàn pan mee, aka banmian, a Hakka noodle soup dish, popular in Malaysia
客家人 jiā rén Hakka people
擂茶 léi chá "leicha", a beverage or gruel made from tea leaves, roasted peanuts and herbs etc ground into a powder, traditionally consumed by Hakka people and in the north of Hunan province
四县腔 xiàn qiāng Sixian dialect of Hakka Chinese
天穿日 tiān chuān a Hakka festival held on the 20th day of the first lunar month
客家语 jiā Hakka (a Chinese dialect)
客语 Hakka dialect

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