English to Chinese Dictionary


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dǎn gall bladder / courage / guts / gall / inner container (e.g. bladder of a football, inner container of a thermos)
胆子 dǎn zi courage / nerve / guts
胆量 dǎn liàng courage / boldness / guts
肝肠寸断 gān cháng cùn duàn lit. liver and guts cut to pieces (idiom) / fig. grief-stricken
搜肠刮肚 sōu cháng guā to search one's guts and belly (idiom); to racks one's brains for a solution
带种 dài zhǒng (coll.) to have character / to have guts / plucky
有种 yǒu zhǒng to have guts / to have courage / to be brave
有色无胆 yǒu dǎn to be perverse and suggestive towards the opposite sex, but shrinking back when provoked to act on it / to have perverted thoughts but no guts to actually do it / to be all talk and no action
没种 méi zhǒng not to have the guts (to do sth) / cowardly
食肉寝皮 shí ròu qǐn to eat sb's flesh and sleep on their hide (idiom); to swear revenge on sb / implacable hatred / to have sb's guts for garters

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