English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: guidang ?

请教 qǐng jiào to ask for guidance / to consult
教训 jiào xun to provide guidance; to lecture sb; to upbraid / a talking-to; a bitter lesson / CL:番[fan1],頓|顿[dun4]
辅导 dǎo to give guidance / to mentor / to counsel / to coach / to tutor
指引 zhǐ yǐn to guide / to show / to point (the way) / directions / guidance / guidelines
诱导 yòu dǎo to induce; to encourage; to provide guidance / (medicine, chemistry) to induce
教诲 jiào huì (literary) to instruct; to admonish; to counsel / teachings; instruction; guidance
教导 jiào dǎo to instruct / to teach / guidance / teaching
训迪 xùn guidance / to instruct / pedagogy
莅临指导 lín zhǐ dǎo (of a notable person etc) to honor with one's presence and offer guidance (idiom)
人非生而知之者,孰能无惑 rén fēi shēng ér zhī zhī zhě , shú néng huò Knowledge is not innate to man, how can we overcome doubt? / We are not born with knowledge, how does one achieve maturity? (i.e. without guidance from a teacher - Tang dynasty essayist Han Yu 韓愈|韩愈[Han2 Yu4])
翻老皇历 fān lǎo huáng to look to the past for guidance (idiom)

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