English to Chinese Dictionary


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dōng east / host (i.e. sitting on east side of guest) / landlord
游客 yóu traveler; tourist / (online gaming) guest player
客人 rén visitor / guest / customer / client / CL:位[wei4]
请客 qǐng to give a dinner party / to entertain guests / to invite to dinner
各位 wèi everybody / all (guests, colleagues etc) / all of you
接待 jiē dài to receive; to entertain; to host (guests, visitors or clients)
做客 zuò to be a guest or visitor
客厅 tīng drawing room (room for arriving guests) / living room / CL:間|间[jian1]
嘉宾 jiā bīn esteemed guest / honored guest / guest (on a show)
客房 fáng guest room / room (in a hotel)
来宾 lái bīn guest / visitor
招待 zhāo dài to hold a reception; to offer hospitality; to entertain (guests); to serve (customers)
贵宾 guì bīn honored guest / distinguished guest / VIP
下手 xià shǒu to start / to put one's hand to / to set about / the seat to the right of the main guest
好客 hào hospitality / to treat guests well / to enjoy having guests / hospitable / friendly
见外 jiàn wài to treat sb with the formal courtesy accorded to a host or a guest
作客 zuò to live somewhere as a visitor; to stay with sb as a guest; to sojourn
customer / visitor / guest
zhuō table / desk / classifier for tables of guests at a banquet etc
bīn visitor / guest / object (in grammar)
宾朋 bīn péng guests / invited friends
客栈 zhàn tavern / guest house / inn / hotel
迎宾 yíng bīn to welcome a guest / to entertain a customer (of prostitute)
不速之客 zhī (idiom) uninvited or unexpected guest
来客 lái guest

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