English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: guidong guding guodong qudong cudong goudong gutong guiding ?

股东 dōng shareholder / stockholder
鼓动 dòng to urge (an activity that may be beneficial, harmful or neutral); to encourage; to agitate; to instigate; to incite / to beat; to flap (wings, a fan etc)
古董 dǒng curio / antique
咕咚 dōng splash / (onom.) for heavy things falling down
骨董 dǒng variant of 古董[gu3 dong3]
古董滩 dǒng tān Gudong desert or Antiques desert at Han dynasty Yangguan pass 陽關|阳关[Yang2 guan1], named after many Han dynasty archaeological discoveries

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