English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: guangde guangda guangdu kuangdi gangdi guangdie gangdu gongdi ?

刘光第 Liú Guāng Liu Guangdi (1859-1898), one of the Six Gentlemen Martyrs 戊戌六君子[Wu4 xu1 Liu4 jun1 zi5] of the unsuccessful reform movement of 1898
戊戌六君子 Liù jūn the Six Gentlemen Martyrs of the failed reform movement of 1898, executed in its aftermath, namely: Tan Sitong 譚嗣同|谭嗣同[Tan2 Si4 tong2], Lin Xu 林旭[Lin2 Xu4], Yang Shenxiu 楊深秀|杨深秀[Yang2 Shen1 xiu4], Liu Guangdi 劉光第|刘光第[Liu2 Guang1 di4], Kang Guangren 康廣仁|康广仁[Kang1 Guang3 ren2] and Yang Rui 楊銳|杨锐[Yang2 Rui4]

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