English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: gui gai kuai gua guji guxi guzi guqi ?

guài bewildering / odd / strange / uncanny / devil / monster / to wonder at / to blame / quite / rather
guài variant of 怪[guai4]
guǎi cane / walking stick / crutch / old man's staff
guǎi to turn (a corner etc) / to kidnap / to swindle / to misappropriate / seven (used as a substitute for 七[qi1]) / variant of 枴|拐[guai3]
guǎi variant of 枴|拐[guai3]
guāi (of a child) obedient, well-behaved / clever / shrewd / alert / perverse / contrary to reason / irregular / abnormal
guāi to slap / also pr. [guo2]
guài decisive
𤶊 guài (literary) serious illness / (Cantonese) variant of 攰[gui4]

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