English to Chinese Dictionary


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分赃 fēn zāng to share the booty; to divide ill-gotten gains
油水 yóu shuǐ grease / profit / ill-gotten gains
横财 hèng cái easy money / windfall / ill-gotten gains / undeserved fortune / illegal profit
不义之财 zhī cái ill-gotten wealth or gains
邪财 xié cái windfall / easy money / ill-gotten gains
人无横财不富,马无夜草不肥 rén hèng cái , cǎo féi (idiom) a person cannot become wealthy without windfall profits (or ill-gotten gains etc), just as a horse cannot get fat without night feed
八字还没一撇 hái méi piě lit. not even the first stroke of the character 八[ba1] has been written (idiom) / fig. things have not even gotten started yet; nothing tangible has come of one's plans yet

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