English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: gongshu gongzhi gengshi gongshe gongsi congshi gangshi gongchi ?

公式 gōng shì formula
公示 gōng shì to make known to the public (for information or to seek comments) / public notification
共识 gòng shí common understanding / consensus
公事 gōng shì work-related matters / documents
共事 gòng shì to work together
攻势 gōng shì (military) offensive
公室 gōng shì office (room) / ruling families during Spring and Autumn period
工时 gōng shí man-hour
公使 gōng shǐ minister / diplomat performing ambassadorial role in Qing times, before regular diplomatic relations
工事 gōng shì defensive structure / military fortifications / (Tw) construction works / civil engineering works
贡士 gòng shì (old) candidate who has successfully passed the first grades of the examination system, but not yet the court examination (殿試|殿试[dian4 shi4])
供石 gōng shí scholar's rock (one of the naturally-eroded, fantastically-shaped rocks put on display indoors or in gardens in China)
共时 gòng shí synchronic; concurrent

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