English to Chinese Dictionary


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轮子 lún zi wheel / (derog.) Falun Gong practitioner / CL:個|个[ge4]
shāi (bound form) a sieve / to sieve; to sift; to filter / to eliminate through selection / to warm a pot of rice wine (over a fire or in hot water) / to pour (wine or tea) / (dialect) to strike (a gong)
Gōng surname Gong
Gōng surname Gong
Gǒng surname Gong
zhēng clang of metals / small gong
luó gong / CL:面[mian4]
铜锣 tóng luó gong
锣鼓 luó gongs and drums / Chinese percussion instruments
珙县 Gǒng xiàn Gong county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan
雷公 Léi gōng Lei Gong or Duke of Thunder, the God of Thunder in Chinese mythology
铛铛 dāng dāng (onom.) clang / clank of metal / sound of striking a gong
打更 gēng to sound the night watches (on clappers or gongs, in former times)
zhēng gong used to halt troops
Gòng surname Gong
紧锣密鼓 jǐn luó - lit. urgent beating of gongs and drums (idiom) / fig. to urgently prepare for an upcoming event
píng (onom.) bang! (gong, gun firing etc)
鸣锣开道 míng luó kāi dào to beat the gong to clear the way / (fig.) to pave the way for sth
巡更 xún gēng to patrol at night, marking the time by sounding clappers or gongs
开锣 kāi luó to beat the gong to open a performance
鸣金收兵 míng jīn shōu bīng to beat the gong to recall troops (idiom); to order a retreat
巩县 Gǒng xiàn Gong county in Henan
鸣金 míng jīn to beat a gong / to sound the retreat
子贡 Gòng Zi Gong or Duanmu Ci 端木賜|端木赐[Duan1 mu4 Ci4] (520 BC-), disciple of Confucius
开锣喝道 kāi luó dào to clear a street by banging gongs and shouting loudly (idiom)

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