English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: gongpo gongbao gongpu ?

轮子 lún zi wheel / (derog.) Falun Gong practitioner / CL:個|个[ge4]
shāi (bound form) a sieve / to sieve; to sift; to filter / to eliminate through selection / to warm a pot of rice wine (over a fire or in hot water) / to pour (wine or tea) / (dialect) to strike (a gong)
Gōng surname Gong
Gōng surname Gong
大埔 Dabu County in Meizhou 梅州[Mei2 zhou1], Guangdong / Tai Po district of New Territories, Hong Kong / Dabu or Tabu Township in Chiayi County 嘉義縣|嘉义县[Jia1 yi4 Xian4], west Taiwan
Gǒng surname Gong
surname Po / Taiwan pr. [Po3]
zhēng clang of metals / small gong
孟婆 Mèng (Chinese folk religion) Meng Po, goddess who gives a potion to souls before they are reincarnated, which makes them forget their previous life / (Chinese folk religion) Meng Po, goddess of the wind
luó gong / CL:面[mian4]
铜锣 tóng luó gong
锣鼓 luó gongs and drums / Chinese percussion instruments
珙县 Gǒng xiàn Gong county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan
雷公 Léi gōng Lei Gong or Duke of Thunder, the God of Thunder in Chinese mythology
铛铛 dāng dāng (onom.) clang / clank of metal / sound of striking a gong
打更 gēng to sound the night watches (on clappers or gongs, in former times)
zhēng gong used to halt troops
宝林 Bǎo lín Po Lam (area in Hong Kong)
Gòng surname Gong
紧锣密鼓 jǐn luó - lit. urgent beating of gongs and drums (idiom) / fig. to urgently prepare for an upcoming event
文汇报 Wén huì Bào Wen Wei Po (Hong Kong newspaper) / Wenhui News (Shanghai newspaper)
píng (onom.) bang! (gong, gun firing etc)
鸣锣开道 míng luó kāi dào to beat the gong to clear the way / (fig.) to pave the way for sth
巡更 xún gēng to patrol at night, marking the time by sounding clappers or gongs
开锣 kāi luó to beat the gong to open a performance

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