English to Chinese Dictionary


Did you mean: kong gang going cong geng qing king gongs ?

gòng common / general / to share / together / total / altogether / abbr. for 共產黨|共产党[Gong4 chan3 dang3], Communist party
轮子 lún zi wheel / (derog.) Falun Gong practitioner / CL:個|个[ge4]
gōng palace / temple / castration (as corporal punishment) / first note in pentatonic scale
gōng public / collectively owned / common / international (e.g. high seas, metric system, calendar) / make public / fair / just / Duke, highest of five orders of nobility 五等爵位[wu3 deng3 jue2 wei4] / honorable (gentlemen) / father-in-law / male (animal)
gōng meritorious deed or service / achievement / result / service / accomplishment / work (physics)
gōng to attack / to accuse / to study / (LGBT) top
gǒng to cup one's hands in salute / to surround / to arch / to dig earth with the snout / arched
gōng to provide; to supply / to be for (the use or convenience of)
gōng a bow (weapon) / CL:張|张[zhang1] / to bend / to arch (one's back etc)
shāi (bound form) a sieve / to sieve; to sift; to filter / to eliminate through selection / to warm a pot of rice wine (over a fire or in hot water) / to pour (wine or tea) / (dialect) to strike (a gong)
Gōng surname Gong
gōng work / worker / skill / profession / trade / craft / labor
gōng used in 女紅|女红[nu:3gong1]
Gōng surname Gong
gǒng mercury (chemistry)
gōng respectful
Gǒng surname Gong
gǒng (bound form) to fix in place; to make firm and secure
gǒng (gem)
zhēng clang of metals / small gong
luó gong / CL:面[mian4]
铜锣 tóng luó gong
gōng upper arm / arm
锣鼓 luó gongs and drums / Chinese percussion instruments
珙县 Gǒng xiàn Gong county in Yibin 宜賓|宜宾[Yi2 bin1], Sichuan

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