English to Chinese Dictionary


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精神 jīng shén spirit / mind / consciousness / thought / mental / psychological / essence / gist / CL:個|个[ge4]
头脑 tóu nǎo brains / mind / skull / (fig.) gist (of a matter) / leader / boss
fán ordinary / commonplace / mundane / temporal / of the material world (as opposed to supernatural or immortal levels) / every / all / whatever / altogether / gist / outline / note of Chinese musical scale
要领 yào lǐng main aspects / essentials / gist
主旨 zhǔ zhǐ gist / main idea / general tenor / one's judgment
梗概 gěng gài broad outline; gist; summary
大要 yào abstract / gist / main points
泛读 fàn (language education) to read swiftly, aiming to get the gist / extensive reading
要旨 yào zhǐ the gist (of a text or argument) / the main points
宏旨 hóng zhǐ gist / main idea

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